Friday, January 26, 2007

Pediatrician Week 2

Today was Ellen's week 2 appointment with the pediatrician. At which time we learned Ellen has gained a full pound since last week to bring her total body weight to 7lbs 8ozs. That's a full 9ozs above her original birth weight. So what does this mean? Ellen and Mom make a great team! There is still room for improvement as far as sleeping goes. In fact we were told Ellen might be on a opposite schedule and we should therefore make an effort to make her more active during the day. Either that or we may have to send her to Italy to live with Amanda in Trever in a more appropriate time zone.

1 comment:

  1. Wish I was there to enjoy these "firsts." I'm glad to hear Ellen is gaining weight. You're right, Brian. Kathleen & Ellen make a great team...way to go,Mama Crain:)
