Friday, September 7, 2007

Photo Dump

I've been lagging lately but I got good reason. This week marked the end of another quarter, two more classes down, several more to go. Anyway, to make up for my lack of posts and updates on Ellen, which there are many, here is a photo dump from our camera. Lots of stuff here including more images from our trip to Florida and as well as the recent landscaping project, which is a work in progress. Things already look different than they do in these images. More to come later.

Biggest news! Ellen has mastered the pincher technique and can now grasp Cheerios and feed herself! She only has rate of success of 1 in 2 which Gypsy is more than happy to clean up when it hits the floor.


  1. My, Ellen's getting big, has 2 teeth and feeds herself! At this rate she'll be walking when we visit at the end of the month.
    Thanks for the pics

  2. Thanks for the Shutterfly order is in:)
    What a little cutie-pie. She has grown so much. I think Grandpa is right. Hang on, Peanut. We want to see you start crawling!!

  3. 2 teeth not much longer. She has all 4 front teeth breaking through at the moment.

  4. The BEST pics ever. I'm buying some too. That Sam Adams one is too funny. Suitable for Kelly framing. You made the cut kid.
    Love you,

  5. Gotta love that crab shirt!! So cute...need to set a play date for me and the Peanut soon!
