Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year, New Teeth

The little man finally got his chompers today!  They took awhile to finally break through, Kathleen thought for sure he would have them before Christmas.  His sister had them by Day 163 while it took Andrew another 27 days (Kelly would appreciate the 27) but he finally got them on Day 190.  Another momentous occasion in the life of Andrew.  These milestones really start happening quickly from here on out last I remember.  It won't be long till he's crawling....

Andrew getting ready to have dinner.  If he's not sleeping he is usually eating.  He loves the fruits, not a big fan of green beans and he had his first bite of turkey which Kathleen prepared in the new Cuisinart.  Doesn't he just look happy!?

Two teeth emerge in the lower front!  Just like Ellen.
Hummmm, looks like I didn't do the best job of cleaning his face after dinner.


  1. Yes, he definitely looks like a happy little boy...good food & zzzzzzzz's are a winning combination;o)

  2. 27 days later baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    it's taken me awhile but i'm catching up on all the milestones. smooches!
