Friday, July 9, 2010

It's The Swagger Wagon

In the weeks leading up to Andrew's birth we knew I had to find an alternative mode of transportation to replace the Ford Ranger.  Having not driven anything other than Ranger since high school I was entering uncharted waters.  The possibilities were endless..... should I sell the Ranger and get a 4 door super cab?  Should I keep the Ranger and get something more practical? 

In the end I decided to keep the Ranger for the time being for those trips to Home Depot and various landscaping projects.  I don't want to be that guy in front of Home Depot trying to fit a 2x4 through the back window of the family car.  Replacing my day to day commute is now what I like to call the Swagger Wagon!!  Its not Toyota's version but instead Mazda's smaller more mini mini-van, the Mazda5.  I prefer to describe it as more swagger and little less wagon.

Kathleen and Andrew next to the Mazda5.  Notice the moonroof, 17 inch alloy wheels and fog lights?

Privacy tint on the back windows.  Thats how Ellen likes to roll with her posse in the HOV.

My #1 Dad mug says, yeah I'm the mac!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Andrew Day 12

I captured this image just before Andrew went absolutely crazy and started crying. The calm before the storm.

Monday, July 5, 2010


Ellen and Andrew returning home from a trip to the nursey. Had to leave the new tree to pick later and plant.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Friar For Life

Andrew born in 2010, Year of the Padre