Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Ears and Beers

Andrew had his bilateral myringotomy today, which is a fancy way of saying he had tubes put in both ears. He had been having chronic ear infections that never completely cleared up with the assistance of antibiotics so the doctor recommended surgical intervention.

After a few weeks we finally got on the OR schedule for this morning at 6AM so the whole family got up with the sun and headed to the hospital. After waiting and little more waiting Andrew finally got in the operating room and was out within 20-30 minutes. All went well and within an hour we headed home. Andrew was of course starving since he had been fasting under Dr's orders as were the rest of us since we rushed out the door. Kathleen spent the rest of the day at home with A and E to make sure everything was normal, which it was, so we'll see how things go from here.

On a unrelated note I have a total of 15 gallons of beer on tap and another 10 gallons fermenting for the big birthday party next month. Still lots to do before the big party....

Andrew and Ellen in Pre-Op

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Gigi and Pappy's Easter Visit

Gigi and Pappy came to visit for Easter. Just before their arrival we got Ellen a new bed including a trundle, which Ellen happily slept in so Gigi could sleep comfortably. Pappy unfortunately got stuck with the couch, but he didn't seem to complain anymore than usual.

Everyone arrived Easter Sunday and Ellen's best friend Curren and her parents stopped by for an egg hunt and light lunch. Overall, a great day and I even managed to get out for long before it ended.

I worked the full week but thankfully Kathleen was able to take a few days off to spend time with the family. During which they took Andrew to the doctor, looks like he'll have to have tubes implanted as soon as they can schedule him. Probably July unless his condition worsens in the interim. They also made a excursion to the Wild Animal Park to see the Butterfly Jungle, a big hit with Ellen!

By the end of the week the weather really started to warm up so we broke out the kiddie pool and let Ellen and Andrew at it!

Now the planning starts for the big 1st birthday party next month! Much to do.... I'm happy to report the homebrew is looking good. I transferred both the IPA and the Belgium IPA to secondaries on Sunday. The IPA is a little sweet, their appears to be some semblance of fermentation going on so I'll leave it be for now and keep my fingers crossed.

Ellen and Curren

Brother and Sister having water fun.

Little Man